I love it when a plan comes together. This blog post is about three topics:
expand the FPGA by another slice, forming a 1x2 FPGA matrix
programing a rudimentary assembly “compiler” so I do not have to code bits by hand
runing a 4-bit counter AND a fizz-buzz detector
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We are all familiar with the growing demand in computaional power in DSP applications. Radio frequency applications require processing of several gigasamples on an FPGA that can only be clocked at a maximum of several hundred of MHz. This facilitates the need to use massive parallelization of DSP algorithms -...
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Since the completion of the most complicated modular PCB module, the CLB, I have successfully assembled the surrounding interconnect PCBs. As it turns out, you can reflow solder PCBs on the stove in your kitchen. In unrelated news, does anybody have tips on how to get rid of unwanted smells...
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